Instruction Team
Reach out to us anytime on Slack or email!
Give us 24 hours to respond to your message.
It is generally a good idea to contact the instruction team via email to let us know you will be attending office hours.
- Dr. Kartik V. Bulusu is an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) at The George Washington University (GWU).
His research work entails human health and sustainable energy with focus on biofluid mechanics, polymer rheology, low-cost energy technologies and applications of wavelet transforms.
Dr. Bulusu is currently developing low-cost ejector technologies refrigeration in disaster-prone regions.
In his free time, he is loves to tinker with electronics and design low-cost experiments for research and education.
- Campus Address: SEH 3640
- E-mail:
- Office hours: On-demand (please reach out via email or Slack!)
- Location: Blackboard Collaborate Course Room
Teaching Assistants
Catherine Karpova
- Originally from Boston, Katya is a graduate student studying biomedical engineering, who received her bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from GW in 2021.
During the past three summers, Katya worked in Dr. Natasha Frank’s lab at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School.
The project was to 3D print an artificial limbus of the eye with dermal stem cells to treat limbal stem cell deficiency and corneal blindness. In the future, Katya wants to work in tissue engineering or in the biomedical device industry.
Outside of classes, Katya competed on the university’s Division I women’s gymnastics team as an undergraduate student.
She enjoys dancing and exploring fun places in the city with her friends.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Tuesdays 12 PM -1 PM; Thursdays 1 PM – 2PM
- Location: Online on Tuesdays (Contact Katya via email or slack and get onto her Zoom link here); Tompkins Hall Suite 406 on Thursdays
Sara Tenaglio
- Sara Tenaglio is a graduate student studying Biomedical Engineering, who received her undergraduate degree from GW in the same field of study last year.
She is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Her primary interests lie in tissue engineering and cancer research, having worked in Dr. Zhang’s tissue engineering lab for the past four years, as well as Dr. Villagra’s lab in the cancer center for two.
Aside from TAing and fulfilling her studies, she is currently working part-time for a start-up company called Cambridge Medical Technologies where she is participating in the development of a novel glucose sensor that accurately detects glucose levels without the need for pricking the finger.
She also loves to travel, and having studied in Seoul, South Korea her fifth semester, she is a big advocate of study abroad and all of the wonderful opportunities that come with it.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Wednesdays 9 AM -10 AM; Thursdays 7 PM – 8 PM
- Location: SEH 4th Floor on Wednesdays; Online on Thursdays (Contact Sara via email or slack and get onto her Zoom link here)
Zachary Stecher
- Zachary Stecher is a graduate student studying civil engineering with a focus on structural engineering.
He received his bachelor’s degree from GW in the same field in 2021.
He has spent the last 2 and a half years performing earthquake engineering research with Professor Pedro Silva in the high bay laboratory of SEH.
Over the summer, Zachary worked for EXP, a design firm in DC, and started his fellowship in the Dean’s Office where he currently coordinates academic support and study abroad initiatives. He spent his 4th undergraduate semester studying abroad in Sydney, Australia.
After finishing his master’s degree, Zachary would like to go into structural design for mid-rise and high-rise buildings.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Tuesdays 1 PM -2 PM; Thursdays 1 PM – 2PM
- Location: Tompkins Hall Suite 406 on Tuesdays; Tompkins Hall Suite 410 on Thursdays
Learning Assistants
Olivia Legault
- Olivia is a junior undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science. Originally from Rhode Island, she is currently involved with several activities on campus, including oSTEM, which is an LGBTQ+ STEM organization, as well as research within SMPA on tracking extremism and hate speech online. She is also involved in the student theater program 14th, as a member of the tech crew. Her primary research and academic focus is on the spread of extremism and misinformation through online platforms like Telegram, as well as interests in the areas of law and security and privacy within CS. Besides these interests, Olivia spends her free time learning to skateboard and play guitar.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Wednesdays 9 PM - 10 PM
- Location: SEH 4th Floor (Couches and chairs by the elevators)
Jonathan Terry
- Jon Terry is in his senior year and majoring in computer science with a minor in mathematics, originally from Connecticut.
This past summer he worked in the Computer Science department’s systems lab for a research fellowship, working on power management in embedded systems.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Mondays 3 PM - 4 PM
- Location: SEH 4th Floor (Couches and chairs by the elevators)
Jack Umina
- Jack is a senior studying computer science from Brick, New Jersey. In the fall of his freshman year he completed CSCI 1010.
This year as part of his senior design project, Jack will be working on TraffickCam, a computer vision application that helps combat sex trafficking by matching images of victims in hotel rooms with the name and location of the hotel in efforts to help law enforcement in the search for victims.
This past summer he interned as a software developer at Leidos where he worked on air traffic control software.
After graduation, he plans to return to Leidos as a full time developer. Outside of class, he is an avid member of GW Sailing.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Wednesdays 9:45 AM -10:45 AM
- Location: SEH 4th Floor (Couches and chairs by the elevators)
Ethan Frink
- Ethan is a senior mechanical engineering student from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He took APSC1001 in his first semester at GW!
After the APSC1001 class, he worked in the Exergy Research Lab with Professor Bulusu to build a prototype ejector-based refrigerator model.
He used Python programming to simulate the system. These experiences led to presentations within GW and a publication with the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC2021).
He joined Design/Build/Fly (DBF) my junior year and helped design the wing for the first flight-worthy remote-controlled aircraft at GW.
He is now the Chief Engineer of the organization. Any interested new members can happily contact hium!
On a non-technical side, I studied abroad in Sydney during my 4th semester at GW and am part of the Symphonic Band and the C-brass pep band!
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Mondays 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
- Location: Contact Ethan via email or slack and get onto his Zoom link here)
Alexis Renderos
- Alexis is a senior studying mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace engineering from Fairfax, Virginia.
Alexis came to GW as an undeclared engineering major and participated in APSC 1001 in his first semester.
He is currently the President of GW SHPE, the Student Chair of SEAS Together, and the Secretary of GW AIAA.
Additionally, he is the Aerodynamics lead for the GW AIAA Design/Build/Fly team and a SEASSPAN Mentor.
He has participated in the Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research in the summer of 2019 and 2020 and worked with Dr. Kartik Bulusu.
This past summer, he worked at Amazon Web Services as an Engineering Operations Technician.
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Wednesdays 2 PM -3 PM
- Location: SEH 3rd Floor (Couches and chairs by the elevators)